I grew up in Hawaii, listening to my parent’s jazz records and then falling in love with Hawaiian music. This album reflects my love of jazz, especially a Bossa/Samba feel, as found in Waiting and The Moon and a Melody, and you will also hear the Hawaiian influence on the last track, Warrior’s Lullaby.
In my real life I am an attorney, but in my dreams, I am a singer/songwriter extraordinaire. You could say I am a “late-bloomer” when it comes to finding my creative voice, and my life is so much richer for it. My lyrical journey began with the unexpected birthday gift of a gorgeous Martin guitar. I had not done a lot of creative writing before then, or any poetry, but something about that guitar lit a fire. To my surprise, the poems and lyrics tumbled out, and many of them (55) were included in Love and Love Lost, a book of my love poems and song lyrics, published in 2009.
After the book was published, I focused on my guitar and singing and I started to work with a wonderful vocal coach here in Marin, Sharon Boucher. Many of my song lyrics start as poems that I adapt to song form. Paris seems to show up a lot in my poems and lyrics, as a place and/or as a metaphor for love, romance, sex... and is featured in Shooting Stars and Come Home to Me. Once I have a draft of the lyrics, I start to play around on the guitar until I find the melody. I get to the melody through the guitar. All of my songs are deeply personal, but I believe they speak to the hope, love, heartache, longing, loss, and joy, that – if we are lucky – we all go through at one time or another.
I am fairly shy about my singing, but with Sharon’s encouragement and that of my family and friends, I decided I was ready to have my songs professionally produced. I loved every minute of making the album. I was lucky to have brilliant producer, Joel Jaffe (also a featured musician) and the additional talents of amazing musicians, Eamonn Flynn, Marc Levine, Billy Johnson, and Omega Rae on back up.
I didn’t want it to end. I hope you feel the same way.
xx Lulu

I grew up in Hawaii, listening to my parent’s jazz records and then falling in love with Hawaiian music. This album reflects my love of jazz, especially a Bossa/Samba feel, as found in Waiting and The Moon and a Melody, and you will also hear the Hawaiian influence on the last track, Warrior’s Lullaby.
In my real life I am an attorney, but in my dreams, I am a singer/songwriter extraordinaire. You could say I am a “late-bloomer” when it comes to finding my creative voice, and my life is so much richer for it. My lyrical journey began with the unexpected birthday gift of a gorgeous Martin guitar. I had not done a lot of creative writing before then, or any poetry, but something about that guitar lit a fire. To my surprise, the poems and lyrics tumbled out, and many of them (55) were included in Love and Love Lost, a book of my love poems and song lyrics, published in 2009.
After the book was published, I focused on my guitar and singing and I started to work with a wonderful vocal coach here in Marin, Sharon Boucher. Many of my song lyrics start as poems that I adapt to song form. Paris seems to show up a lot in my poems and lyrics, as a place and/or as a metaphor for love, romance, sex... and is featured in Shooting Stars and Come Home to Me. Once I have a draft of the lyrics, I start to play around on the guitar until I find the melody. I get to the melody through the guitar. All of my songs are deeply personal, but I believe they speak to the hope, love, heartache, longing, loss, and joy, that – if we are lucky – we all go through at one time or another.
I am fairly shy about my singing, but with Sharon’s encouragement and that of my family and friends, I decided I was ready to have my songs professionally produced. I loved every minute of making the album. I was lucky to have brilliant producer, Joel Jaffe (also a featured musician) and the additional talents of amazing musicians, Eamonn Flynn, Marc Levine, Billy Johnson, and Omega Rae on back up.
I didn’t want it to end. I hope you feel the same way.